Homeopathy (Periods) - Homeopathic Treatment, Menorrhagia

Homeopathy - Periods. Homeopathic Treatment For Menorrhagia (Heavy and Prolong Menstrual Bleeding) How to treat Menorrhagia with Homeopathy ? What is Menorrhagia ? Menorrhagia also known as heavy or prolong menstrual bleeding, that lasts more than 7 days. Average blood loss during menstruation is around 30 to 40 milliliters but in case of menorrhagia there is over 80 milliliters of blood in one cycle. Untreated heavy or prolonged bleeding can cause anemia and hinder in performing daily life activities. What are the Signs and Symptoms of Menorrhagia ? Heavy vaginal bleeding Have menstrual periods lasting more than 7 days. Menstrual flow or bleeding lasting more than a week Passage of blood clots that in the menstrual blood Have a heavy menstrual flow that keeps you from doing the things you would do normally. Anemia, including tiredness, fatigue, and shortness of breath Constant lower abdominal and pelvic pain Wha...