Homeopathy - Kidney Stones - Best Treatment - Paksitan

Best Homeopathic Treatment, Medicines For Kidney Stones, Renal Calculi or Nephrolithiasis

How to Get rid of Kidney Stones Effectively with Homeopathy ?

What are kidney stones ?

 Kidney stones, or renal calculi, are solid masses made of crystals. Kidney stones usually originate in your kidneys. However, Kidney stones can develop anywhere along your urinary tract. Nephrolithiasis specifically refers to calculi in the kidneys.
Some Kidney stones stay in the kidney, and do not cause any problems. Sometimes, the kidney stone can travel down the ureter, it can be passed out of the body in urine. If the Kidney stone becomes lodged in the ureter, it blocks the urine flow from that kidney (hydronephrosis) and causes symptoms like pain and blood in the urine.
Kidney stones come in many different  sizes, types and colors.

Common symptoms of kidney stones are:

    homeopathic kidney stones treatment
  • A sharp, cramping pain in the back and side, often moving to the lower abdomen or groin. The pain often starts suddenly and comes in waves. It can come and go as the body tries to get rid of the stone.
  • A feeling of intense need to urinate.
  • Urinating more often or a burning and cutting feeling during urination.
  • Urine that is dark or red due to blood
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Pain at the tip of the penis.

Causes of Kidney stones:

  • Diet with high levels of protein, salt or glucose.
  • Obesity 
  • Conditions that affect thyroid and parathyroid gland
  • IBS ( inflammatory bowel syndrome)
  • Family history
  • Certain medications can also cause kidney stones to develop
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Diabetes
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Dehydration or lack of fluids in body cause to concentrate crystals in form of kidney stones in kidneys.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Stones, Renal Stones.

Following are the top and effective homeopathic remedies for kidney stones

1.Berberis vulgaris (Leading Homeopathic remedy for kidney stones)
2.Lycopodium ( Best for right sided kidney stones)
3.Osimum can
4.Cantheris ( Kidney stones with burning in urine)
7.Hydrangea ( Handy Remedy for dissolving stones)
8.Capsella bursa

By: Homeopathic Dr Naseem Iqbal Ghumman Pakistan.

Urdu: Gurdey ki pathri ka dard aur ilaj.

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