Homeopathy - Entomophobia (Fear of Bugs) - Medicines

Best Homeopathic Medicines, Treatment For Fear of Bugs and Insects(Entomophobia).

Which are the Best Homeopathic Medicines for Bugs Phobia (Entomophobia) , Insects Fear ?

What is Entomophobia ?

A phobia is an anxiety disorder that causes a person to react irrationally to and avoid the thing they fear. Bugs phobia, Insectophobia or Entomophobia is a specific phobia characterized by an excessive or unrealistic fear of insects.
homeopathic medicines entomophobia

The word Entomophobia comes from Greek words entomos (meaning insects) and phobos (meaning dread or fear). Bugs phobia is one of the most common types of specific phobia.
Fear of bugs or insects mainly includes a disgust response or aversion to bugs. 
Many people fear "bugs" in general, reacting in panic to any insect or related creature that crosses their path.

In most cases of entomophobia or bugs phobia, the sufferer is afraid of becoming contaminated by insects.
Some people worry that they will be bitten by an insect, although vast majority of insects or bugs bites develop minor irritations of skin.
Some people worry about their living places or bodies becoming infested with bugs.

Causes of Bugs phobia (Entomophobia)

A person may develop entomophobia after he/she has had a bad experience with bugs or insects. It may develop early in life as sometimes parents try to frightened their children from some bugs to make them obedient, or later in life due to a bad encounter with an insect or insects.

Symptoms of Bugs or Insects Fear (Entomophobia)

Intense fear and anxiety when thinking or seeing of insects
Anxiety worsens when an insect approaches near to sufferer
Sufferers avoid places such parks, open areas and woods where there insects can be found
Try to avoid insects in all possible means
Social isolation

 Physical Symptoms can include:

Shortness of breath
Stiff muscles
Fast heart rate
Crying and screaming at the sight of bugs.

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Fear of Bugs, Insects Fear (Entomophobia):

In Homeopathy there are specific homeopathic medicines for specific type of phobias. If single Homeopathic medicines are prescribed according to symptoms similarity bases good one can have excellent results in treating phobias.

Following are top homeopathic remedies for Bugs, Insects Phobia.

1.Calcarea cab
2.Natrum mur
4.Kali phos

Posted by: Homeopathic Doctor Naseem Iqbal Ghumman Lahore, Pakistan. 

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