
Homeopathy - My Practice

Homeopathy - My Passion Since 1990 So far treated thousands of patients with Homeopathic way of Treatment. I have been a Senior Homeopathic Medical Lecturer, Homeopathic Philosophy, Medicines and Case Taking were my favorite Subjects to teach. I have also Trained Hundreds of Homeopathic Doctors after their Diploma of Homeopathy for their Clinical Homeopathy.  I Homeopathic Consultation and Treatment:  Both Face to Face and Online Consultations are available at my Homeopathic Clinic Lahore, Pakistan. Patients Can Consult me for Disorders Like:  Acne & Pimples.  Acne. Anxiety. Anemia. Angina. Arthritis. Colitis. Diabetes. Disk Slip. Eczema.  Depression.  Dyspepsia. Fibroids. Poor or Retarded Growth. Goiter. Edema. Fatty Liver. Gout. Fistula. Gall stones . Kidney Stones. Goiter. Flatulence. Infertility. Gonorrhea. Hernia. Herpes. Hepatitis. Nephritis. Weight Loss. Impotency. Menstural problems. Leuc...

Homeopathy- Homeopathic Medicine Aesculus, Piles Treatment

Homeopathy - Aesculus Hip - Top Homeopathic Medicine, Remedy For Piles, Hemorrhoids.  What is  the Homeopathic Remedy Aesculus Hippocastanum is used for ? Aesculus Hippocastanum (For Piles) Aesculus hip is a great homeopathic remedy for piles (hemorrhoids). Hippocastanum vulgaris. Horse-chestnut. N. O. Sapindaceae. Major Action of Aesculus hip The action of this drug is most marked on the lower bowel, producing engorged hæmorrhoidal veins, with characteristic backache, with absence of actual constipation. Much pain but little bleeding. Venous stasis general, varicose veins of purple color. Flying pains all over.Fullness in various parts.  Major Symptoms of Remedy, Aesculus hip Include: Aesculus hip is an excellent remedy for the piles with dry, uncomfortable feeling in rectum as if it were filled with small sticks. Soreness, burning,itching in anus. Anus Feels raw. Piles much pain after stool, with prolapse. Haemorrhoids , with sharp...

Homeopathy - Delusions (Ghosts) - Treatment

Homeopathy - Homeopathic Medicines For Delusions of Ghosts, Faces, Foolish. How to get rid of Delusions with Homeopthic  Remedies ? Delusions, Delusional Disorder : Delusions are false and fixed beliefs about something that are not based in reality. For example someone might believe that he is a monster, or he is going to lose his best friend. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions. Delusions  are a symptom of either a medical or mental disorder.  There are various types of delusions. Homeopathic Medicines For Delusion of Ghosts:  1. Agaricus 2. Arsenicum album 3. Anacardium 4. Belladonna 5. Cuperum met 6. Camphor 7. Hyoscyamus 8. Kali brom 9. Natrum mur 10. Stramonium Homeopathic Medicines for Delusion of Faces:  1.Ambra 2. Belladonna 3. Calcarea carb 4. Opium 5. Nux vomica 6. Sulphur 7. Tarentula Homeopathic Remedies for Delusion - Foolish ...

Homeopathy - Body Weakness (Asthenia) - Treatment

Homeopathy - Best Homeopathic Treatment, Medicines For Body Weakness, Fatigue, Asthenia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. How to get rid of Body weakness with homeopathy ? Body Weakness, Asthenia:  Weakness also known as asthenia is feeling of being tired, exhausted or experiencing loss of muscular strength. Weakness may be felt in the entire body or in a specific area such as arms or legs. Weakness may be acute (short-term) that may be caused by overwork, stress,  vigorous physical activity or due to minor ailments, weakness can be chronic (Long-term) due to some longtime illness. Some of Symptoms of Body Weakness or Asthenia include; Fatigue Feeling of being exhausted Aching pains in body Lack of energy General ill feeling Loss of appetite Headache Vertigo Trembling Missed menstrual periods Confusion of mind Depression Poor memory Difficulty in speaking, reading or writing Irritability Sleep problems Homeopathic Medicine...

Homeopathy (Anemia) - Homeopathic Treatment, Medicine

Homeoapthic Treatment, Medicines For Anemia (Anaemia) How to treat Anemia (Anaemia) with Homeopathy ? What is Anemia ? Deficiency of red blood cells, or hemoglobin, the red coloring pigment which carries oxygen to body tissues is called anemia.  Such deficiency is commonly due to defective assimilation of food, hemorrhages and impoverished nutrition. Among other causes of anemia may be mentioned want of sunlight, continued worry, dyspeptic ailment, chronic diarrhea, menstrual disorders, pregnancy, family history of inherited anemia, chronic disorders like liver failure, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms of Anemia: In all varies of anemia common symptoms are Dyspnoea Palpitations Headache Pale skin Mental confusion Rapid heart rate Numbness of extremities Dizziness Feeling of illness Best Homeopathic Remedies For Treatment of Anemia (Anaemia) Following are top homeopathic Medicines for anemai. 1.Ferrum Phos, Leading remedy fo...

Homeopathy - Harpaxophobia (Fear of Robbers) - Medicines

Homeopathic Medicines For Harpaxophobia (Fear Of Robbers) - Being Robbed, Phobia of Robbers. How to Treat Fear of Robbers (Harpaxophobia) with Homeopathy ? What is Harpaxophobia ? A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.  Harpaxophobia is irrational   fear of robbers or being robbed. The word is from Greek word harpax (meaning   snatch) and phobos (meaning fear). Causes: Harpaxophobia, fear of robbers is often caused by a traumatic experience in the past, specifically getting robbed, but it can also developed without any previous experience like that. Like all phobias harpaxophobia (fear of robbers) produce feeling of anxiety and stress for the sufferer. Persons suffering from harpaxophobia or fear of robbers try to avoid to come in contact with what it is that triggers them to experience fear or anxiety in the first place.  Symptoms of Harpaxophobia (fear of robbe...

Homeopathy - Fear of Sex (Genophobia) - Medicines

Homeopathic Medicines For Genophobia (Fear of Sexual Intercourse), Coitophobia Which are Best Medicines for Genophobia or Coitophobia in Homeoapthy ? What is Genophobia or Fear of Intercourse ? A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. Genophobia or coitophobia is the irrational  fear  of sexual intercourse. People suffering from Genophobia may be terrified of sexual intercourse or all acts involving sex. The word comes from the  Greek  nouns “  genos  ( meaning offspring) and  “phobos”  meaning (fear)  There are other phobias related to genophobia Gymnophobia : fear of nudity. Haphephobia : fear of being touched Heterophobia:  fear of the opposite sex Tocophobia:  fear of becoming pregnant or childbirth Causes of Genophobia (fear of sexual intercourse), Coitophobia. Like all phobias, the main ca...

Homeopathy - Peniaphobia ( Poverty Fear) - Medicines

Homeopathic Medicines For Peniaphobia (Fear of Poverty) Poverty Phobia. Which are the Best Homeopathic Remedies For Fear of Poverty (Peniaphobia) Peniaphobia (Phobia of Poverty):  A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.  Peniaphobia is fear of poverty.The word peniaphobia is from Greek words “Penia” (meaning poverty) and “phobos” (meaning fear). Symtoms of Peniaphobia or Poverty phobia include People who suffer from peniaphobia although rich but spend less They Stay away from poor people and beggars Seeing people in rags or living in poor areas triggers extreme anxiety and fear in persons who suffer from peniaphobia Other symptoms include Irregular heartbeat Extreme fear and anxiety Shortness of breath Vertigo Dizziness Confused thinking Nausea Headache Profuse perspiration Best Homeopathic Medicines For Peniaphobia (Phobia of Poverty) Following are top homeop...