Homeopathy (Anemia) - Homeopathic Treatment, Medicine

Homeoapthic Treatment, Medicines For Anemia (Anaemia)

How to treat Anemia (Anaemia) with Homeopathy ?

What is Anemia ?

Deficiency of red blood cells, or hemoglobin, the red coloring pigment which carries oxygen to body tissues is called anemia. 
anemia homeopathic treatment

Such deficiency is commonly due to defective assimilation of food, hemorrhages and impoverished nutrition. Among other causes of anemia may be mentioned want of sunlight, continued worry, dyspeptic ailment, chronic diarrhea, menstrual disorders, pregnancy, family history of inherited anemia, chronic disorders like liver failure, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms of Anemia:

In all varies of anemia common symptoms are

Pale skin
Mental confusion
Rapid heart rate
Numbness of extremities
Feeling of illness

Best Homeopathic Remedies For Treatment of Anemia (Anaemia)

Following are top homeopathic Medicines for anemai.

1.Ferrum Phos, Leading remedy for anemia, increases the hemoglobin, marked prostration and pale skin

2. China, anemia after hemorrhages, diarrhea, loss of body fluids and nutrients sexual excesses, lactation.

3. Lecithin, anemia with poor nutritive conditions

4.Natrum sulph, anemia due to deficient open air, sunlight and liver ailments like jaundice and hepatitis. Specific remedy for the anemia caused by taking heavy doses of antibiotics

5. Calcarea Phos, best for anemia of children with tendency to take cold, feeble digestion and enlarged tonsils

6. Acid Phos, Anemia due to sexual excesses, pale face, sadness, also best for cerebral anemia

7. Pulsatilla After large and continuous doses of iron and allopathic tonics rich in iron, patient is chilly and suffer from menstrual disorders

8. Kali Phos, anemia after long standing mental stress and grief.

9. Strophanthus, anemia with cardiac disorders with breathlessness and palpitations

10. Aletris Ferinosa, feeble females who suffer from uterine problems

11.  Strychnia phos, anemia of spinal chord

12. Alstonia, anemia after malarial fevers

13. Ceanothus, anemia where liver and spleen are involved

By: Homeopathic Doctor Naseem Iqbal Ghumman Pakistan

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