Homeopathy - Fear of Sex (Genophobia) - Medicines

Homeopathic Medicines For Genophobia (Fear of Sexual Intercourse), Coitophobia

Which are Best Medicines for Genophobia or Coitophobia in Homeoapthy ?

What is Genophobia or Fear of Intercourse ?

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
 genophobia homeopathic medicines

Genophobia or coitophobia is the irrational fear of sexual intercourse.
People suffering from Genophobia may be terrified of sexual intercourse or all acts involving sex. The word comes from the Greek nouns “ genos  ( meaning offspring) and  “phobos”  meaning (fear) 

There are other phobias related to genophobia

  • Gymnophobia: fear of nudity.

  • Haphephobia: fear of being touched

  • Heterophobia: fear of the opposite sex

  • Tocophobia: fear of becoming pregnant or childbirth

Causes of Genophobia (fear of sexual intercourse), Coitophobia.

Like all phobias, the main cause is exposure to sever trauma, especially sexual assaults or abuse. People suffering from the genophobia can be affected by attempted sexual contact or just the thought of it.  Other causes include

Erectile dysfunction
Cultural and Religious fears
Performance Anxiety
PSTD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Body Shame
A history of rape

Symptoms of Genophobia (fear of sexual intercourse), Coitophobia:

Extreme Fear and Anxiety
Shortness of breath
Heart palpitations
Dry mouth
Confusion of thoughts

Best Homeopathic Medicines for Genophobia (fear of sexual intercourse):

Following are top homeopathic remedies for genophobia, coitophobia.

5.Natrum Mur
6.Kali phos

Posted By: Homeopathic Doctor Naseem Iqbal Ghumman Paksitan

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