Homeopathy - Teraphobia - Fear of Monsters - Medicines
Homeopathic Medicines For Fear of Monsters - Teraphobia, Monstrophobia Which are Best Homeopathic Medicines For Teraphobia, Monstrophoba or Phobia of Monsters ? Fear of Monsters: Fear of monsters also known as teraphobia and monstrophobia, is irrational Fear of Monsters. Word teraphobia is from two greek words “ teras” (meaning monsters) and “phobos” (meaning fear) Monstrophobia is from latin “monstro” (meaning monsters). This phobia is extremely common in preschool children but teenagers and adults aslo suffer from it. Triggers: Watching scary movies or cartoons, reading horror books, telling scary stories about monsters to kids and children who are get frightened by dark often develop teraphobia, If these fears of childhood become persistent they lead to fear of monsters even in adult life. Symptoms of Teraphobia, Monstrophobia or Phobia of Monsters. Insomnia Fear of dark Refusal to go outside in dark Nightmares Difficulty in going to sl...