Homeopathy - Clinophobia (Fear of Beds) - Medicines
Best Homeopathic Medicines, Treatment For Clinophobia, Bed Phobia, Fear of Beds.
Which are the Best Homeopathic Medicines for Clinophobia, Bed Phobia (Fear of Beds) ?
What is Clinophobia ?

Main cause of Clinophobia or fear of beds, is some bad experience
(traumatic experience) relating to beds at an early age.
Symptoms of Fear of Beds (Clinophobia)
As with any phobia, the symptoms vary by person depending on
their level of fear.
Symptoms can include:
Extreme Anxiety and fear on seeking beds
Confusion of mind
Shortness of breath
Rapid heart rate
Flushes of heat
Perspiration on palms.
Dry mouth
Avoid sleeping
Best Homeopathic medicines For Clinophobia, Fear of beds.
Following are top homeopathic remedies relating to
Clinophobia, fear of beds
2.Natrum mur
6.Kali carb
7.Carbo veg
Posted By : Homeopathic Doctor Naseem Iqbal Ghumman Pakistan.